Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dan Fisher & Rodney Koeneke, Saturday, April 11th, 7:30 pm

Dear Smorgies,

Please come out to The Waypost, 3120 N. Williams Ave., PDX, Saturday, April 11th at 7:30 pm to hear beautiful poems from Dan Fisher and Rodney Koeneke. This is Dan Fisher's first trip to Portland. Rodney Koeneke's new chapbook, Rules for Drinking Forties, will be launched!

Food, wine, beer and espresso all available at The Waypost.

See you there.



Dan Fisher lives on the island in the East Bay. An island that has 4 bridges and a tunnel. He makes poems and some of them have appeared in Bay Poetics, Viz, Work, Cricket Online Review, Lament, and some other places too. He also makes collages under the name Fish Fishtofferson. He works for Upward Bound at Mills College in Oakland. He's never been to Portland.

RODNEY KOENEKE is the author of the poetry collections Musee Mechanique (BlazeVOX, 2006) and Rouge State (Pavement Saw, 2003). A new chapbook, Rules for Drinking Forties, is just out from Cy Press. His poems have been included in Abraham Lincoln, Jacket, New American Writing, ZYZZYVA, and other publications, and in the anthologies Bay Poetics and the Flarf primer due out this fall. He lives in Portland, where he curates the Tangent Reading Series with poets Kaia Sand and Jules Boykoff. This reading will be the Portland launch for Rules for Drinking Forties.

Peaches and Bats Photos

Sam Lohmann

David Abel

Kaia Sand

Jesse and Sam
